I really can't understand the clearly limited mentality of so-called progressives who are screaming bloody murder that President Obama caved to Republicans in brokering a tax deal that includes components with which most Democrats and the President himself don't agree. If I have to read one more snarky, nasty comment from so-called progressives about the President's "lack of balls" for compromising with the Republicans, I'm going to vomit on a liberal. This is particularly disturbing for me, because I am a liberal - and damn proud to say so. Apparently, some of my progressive liberal friends are actually in agreement with the half-baked, half-term ex-governor of Alaska, The Whore of Babble On, Sarah Palin who also disapproves of the tax compromise and accuses the President of flip-flopping. Did I just enter an alternate reality?
So, let's see: Certain "progressives" would prefer to let everyone lose their tax cuts and let millions lose life-sustaining unemployment benefits just to prevent the idiot Republicans from grabbing their Holy Grail - tax cuts for the already filthy rich. Well, I don't like it either, but I'm not so stupid as to actually think that the Republicans in THIS Congress would ever have allowed any tax cut bill to pass unless their wealthy donors were well taken care of. Forget about the NEW Congress. I prefer not to hurt the poor, the middle-class and the unemployed by depriving them of much needed relief just so we can deprive the very rich of cash they can live easily without.
Compromise and negotiation are the core of effective politics and governance. Thank God we have a President who understands this.